KZN - Hardware and software requirements for participation

Please note: This event took place in October 2022. We are keeing the information available on the web for posterity. For more information about upcoming DH-IGNITE events, please click here.



All in-person participants are encouraged to bring along a laptop if possible. We will be engaging with virtual participants, speakers, and exhibitors online. We will also be running two hands-on training sessions that will require a laptop rather than a mobile device (phone, tablet). If you are unable to bring a laptop, we will encourage participants to team up and sit with participants who do have a device available.

Virtual participants

Virtual participants are encouraged to use a desktop or laptop for the duration of the DH-IGNITE event to have the best possible, emmersive experience and engage optimally with physical and virtual speakers, participants, and exhibitors.

Hybrid event - Zoom Events

DH-IGNITE KZN is taking place in a hybrid format - participants, speakers, and exhibitors will either be present in-person or online. To ensure everyone has a great experience and can participate equally, we have contracted a media company to assist with recording and broadcasting via the Zoom Events platform.

Participants are encouraged to ensure they have the latest version of Zoom installed. The Zoom Events platform will be used for virtual and in-person participation to facilate networking between in-person and virtual participants, speakers, and exhibitors, communicate about programme updates, share information about speakers, and more.

Please install the latest version of Zoom on your device.


During the skills development session on 19 October, we will run a hands-on tutorial on Voyant - a web-based reading and analysis environment for digital texts. The software may be of use to people not directly involved in language research too.

There is no need to install anything for the Voyant tutorial.


During the second part of the skills development session on 19 October, we will run a hands-on tutorial on OpenRefine - a FREE powerful tool for working with messy data: cleaning it; transforming it from one format into another; and extending it with web services and external data.

OpenRefine can be used in a wide range of contexts and is not limited to any research discipline.

Please install the latest version of OpenRefine (version 3.6.1) on your device.

We will offer installation support on 18 & 19 October at the venue and online.
