KZN- Programme

Please note: This event took place in October 2022. We are keeing the information available on the web for posterity. For more information about upcoming DH-IGNITE events, please click here.


TimeSession TitleIn-personVirtualFormatSpeakers
8:30Arrival & setup
9:00Registration, ice breakers

Receive name tag, familiarise yourself with the venue, meet fellow participants

Venue: African Heritage and Zoom Events Expo & Lobby

Sign into online platform, familiarise yourself with the platform, meet fellow participants

Venue: Zoom Events Expo & Lobby

10:00Welcome & openingVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 1Short presentations
  • Juan Steyn - Operations director, SADiLaR
  • Prof Langa Khumalo - Executive director, SADiLaR
  • Dr Araba Sey - Principal Research Scientist, University of Washington Information School, Ocean Nexus Center and Research ICT Africa
  • Noxolo Chalale - Marketing and community engagement manager, Talarify/SADiLaR
  • Anelda van der Walt - Director, Talarify (Programme manager, ESCALATOR)
11:00Data in humanities and social sciencesVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 2Presentation / Interactive
  • Benito Trollip - Afrikaans Digital Humanities Researcher, SADiLaR
11:30Wikimedia presentationVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 3Presentation
  • Bobby Shabangu - Wikimedia
12:00LUNCH BREAKVenue: African HeritageProvide own lunch
13:00Growing a community of practice around digital and computational research in humanities and social sciencesVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 4Interactive
  • Anelda van der Walt - Director, Talarify (Programme manager, ESCALATOR)
  • Nomalungelo Maphanga - Project manager and data science mentor, Talarify
13:40Introduction to the DH & CSS Stakeholder Map ProjectVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 5Presentation
  • Benito Trollip - Afrikaans Digital Humanities Researcher, SADiLaR
14:00Case-studies: Showcasing examples of interdisciplinary projects with computational/digital elementsVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 6Lightning talksTBC
14:30REFRESHMENTS BREAKVenue: African HeritageProvide own refreshments
15:00Case-studies: Showcasing examples of interdisciplinary projects with computational/digital elementsVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 7Lightning talksTBC
15:45Wrap upVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 8Interactive
  • Juan Steyn - Operations director, SADiLaR
16:00NetworkingVenue: African Heritage and Zoom Events Expo & LobbyVenue: Zoom Events Expo & LobbyInteractive


TimeSession TitleIn-personVirtualFormatSpeakers
8:30Arrival & setup
9:00Networking, exhibition & postersVenue: African Heritage and Zoom Events Expo & LobbyVenue: Zoom Events Expo & LobbyInteractive
10:00A vision for digital and computational research in humanities and social sciencesVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 9Panel discussion
  • Dr Anusha Sewchurran, DH Champion, lecturer & researcher, DUT
  • Dr Neil Davies Evans, UNIZULU
  • Prof John Rautenbach, UNIZULU
10:45Resources and opportunities for learning and teaching digital and computational skillsVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 10Interactive
  • Prof Kevin Durrheim - Principle Investigator & Group leader, Department of Psychology, UJ
11:30SADiLaR’s role in supporting Digital HumanitiesVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 11Presentation
  • Rooweither Mabuya - IsiZulu Digital Humanities Researcher, SADiLaR
13:00South African infrastructure for digital/computational researchVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 12Short presentations and discussion
  • Thokozani Khwela - Senior project manager, SANReN
  • Werner Janse van Rensburg - Research Manager, CHPC
  • Anwar Vahed - Director, DIRISA
14:00A quick introduction to Voyant for text analysisVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 13Hands-on tutorial
  • Mmasibidi Setaka - Sesotho Digital Humanities Researcher, SADiLaR
  • Rooweither Mabuya - IsiZulu Digital Humanities Researcher, SADiLaR
14:30REFRESHMENTS BREAKVenue: African HeritageProvide own refreshments
15:00OpenRefine - A free, open source, powerful tool for working with messy dataVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 14Short presentation Hands-on tutorial
  • Sandra Fauconnier - Project director, OpenRefine
  • Nomalungelo Maphanga - Project manager & data science mentor, Talarify
16:30Wrap-up and closingVenue: African FireVenue: Zoom session 15Interactive
  • Juan Steyn - Operations director, SADiLaR